Mama, it's your turn to have some memories captured with your little ones.

As a mum myself, I know how easy it is to be the one taking the photos, but never actually being in them. There's always a reason not to (or what you tell yourself): no time, you're self-conscious, or you're worried about how your children will behave. Don't let today's worries be tomorrow's regrets. Trust me, you will be grateful to have these memories frozen in time and my sessions are stress-free and child-friendly.

These sessions are for you!

Freeze this moment.

Time flies by so quickly, and before you know it, your children will be all grown up. By capturing this moment in time with a photograph, you can always look back and remember how your child's little hand felt in yours, the way their eyes lit up when they saw you, and the love that you share.

Appreciate yourself.

Motherhood is a selfless act, and it's easy to forget about yourself in the process. Having a photo taken with your child is a way for you to appreciate yourself and your role as a mother. You can look back on the photos and see how much your child loves and appreciates you, and be reminded of the incredible job that you're doing.

Get in the photo!

Picture your children flipping through photo albums from their childhood - will you be in there somewhere? You are such an important person in their lives, don't let your self-doubt overshadow each opportunity you get to make memories together. You are so worthy, mama!

The details.

NEW: Saturday, April 29th

Sunday, April 30th

Rythdale Cottage, Picton

20-minute sessions

10 edited digital images



About Rythdale Cottage.

I fell in love with Rythdale Cottage from the first photo I discovered on Instagram. Treska & Dave (the owners) have transformed a grassy slope and tired cottage into a lush, vibrant and stunning garden and a beautiful home.

Their garden was voted 'Wollondilly's Best New Garden 2022' and when you visit, you'll more than understand why. Flowers, native plants, fruits and veggies all grow happily here and the vibrant colours of dahlias are a joy to the eye.

During your sessions, we'll start off in their amazing greenhouse and will slowly wander up the steps into the garden. If you're happy to walk up the slope, we'll finish off with some photos with the amazing views overlooking Picton in the background. I CAN'T WAIT!!!

"Our kids grow up so fast. Don't let these memories slip away."

It's true!

The nitty gritty:

  • Bookings aren't final until a time is confirmed by Marve Photography and a booking fee of $50 is paid.
  • The remaining balance is due at least 7 days prior to your session.
  • I'll try to book you in as close to your preferred time as possible. I'll go through the bookings in chronological order, so please get in quick if you have a certain time that works for you.
  • One booking per family.
  • Due to space limitations at the location, these sessions are only suitable for one adult and max. 3-4 children at a time.
  • If you, or one of your family members are unwell, please let me know beforehand and do not attend your booked session. This is for the safety of your family and mine.
  • This is a one-off event. Therefore, rescheduling sessions is unfortunately not possible.
  • These bookings are subject to change, i.e. in case of bad weather (flooding) or illness. In this case, a refund will be offered.
  • The location (Rythdale Cottage) is set on a hill and the location of the photoshoots requires a bit of a climb up a slope to be reached. Please keep this in mind with prams, shoes, etc.